thus, a dinner it was we had
at first, yuinyi and i met up at Aunty sherina's house (the tuition teacher)
then , tsen arrived late,
AS gave us all our very unique and cute carved pendant thing from Egypt
will blog about it in the next post
after that,
tsen's driver sent us to bangsar to buy cloth
AS promised all three of us a tailor made baju kurung for our goodbye present
i bought yellow as my top and greenish-yellow for the bottom
yuinyi got blue and tsen got bright pink and black
can't wait for it to be done
as soon as we finished buying,
we head to Carnival,
a brazilian bbq buffet restaurant
really good food , :)
tsen and ia better shot,!
ALL OF US, with AS sitting down
oh oh oh, and i havent mentioned!
green house won third place for volley interhouse woo hoooo!
yesterday, daddy all brought us to amcorp mall
and and, i found this shop that sells perfume at dirt cheap price
ask me bout it personally, i'll be more than happy to share
bro bought me a ralph lauren , it's heaven
my miserable TWO COLLECTION of perfumes
i promise myself when i grow up and earn my own money,
a perfume collection it is i should have
JLo's glow after dark and EA's diamonds were what my bro and i got dearest mummy for her belated bday !
im back to studying now,
will update soon!
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