Sunday, June 14, 2009

& school starts all over again

it's back to school tmrw, i mean today

it's almost 1am and I'm still awake,

thank the stupid add maths project of mine, sighs

I'm such a procrastinator :(

i'm finally done with that 13 page THING

anyways, im so sorry for the dead blog,

everytime i try blogging, i upload a picture

and it takes years to get uploaded

so i normally just give up half way and just delete the post

hey, at least i try rite,

promise to update bout the whole holiday after tuesday

i've my scary AFS interview on tuesday, die!

it all comes to this, if i ace it, i'll be away for 6months next year

wish me luch people, and erina, i know u dont want me to go

but still, pray for me k. hehehe

i miss him :)
why do u have to leave?

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