Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the turning point

it's over,

this five months, of getting to know you and sharing my life with you
you lifted me from the ground every single time
you made me feel proud, proud of being myself everytime i'm with you
you shared my joys and tears
you filled me up with your lameness and companionship
you brought me to tony romas over and over again
you brought me to bbq plaza for the first time ever
you made watching movies and much anticipating thing for me
you made tution more fun with yr msgs
you bought me my first ever perfume, sean john
you bought me my first ever Baby-G
you held me close to you everytime
you make me blush whenever you stare
you make me miss you all the time
your heartbeat calms me down
everytime i'm with you,
you make me smile like there's no tomorrow
i will surely miss you

you taught me how to love a guy this much
you made me feel how it is to be really loved
you gave me the wildest ride
you spend hundreds and hundreds just to call me
you drive 30 minutes just to see me for 15minutes
you carved your initials on my heart
you trusted me with my ex
you called me a pig all the time

you make me argue with my parents all the time
you made me have sleepless night when u dont reply my msgs
you made me reload my phone more often than ever
you always make me worry and then cry (sometimes for no reason at all)
it all came to an end .
everything, from the love to the hope and faith i had
i have to move on now
whether or not we'll still be friends, i really hope so.
whether or not we'll get back together, that totally depends on God's will
as we'll still be going to prom together,
we're basically taking a break now and seeing if we're really meant for each other

i hope you'll still call me whenever you think i'll need u
i hope things will still be the same
i hope seeing you now wont be akward
i hope you'll still care for me as much
and lastly, i hope you'll have faith in us.
and let God guide us for the better only
i will wait for you, but with god's guidence and advice

i love u clayton chan chun chuan.
you've taught me alot in this relationship
and i dearly appreciate it,
although u did break my heart.
but since it's for the better of both of us
i will accept it.

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